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Product details
File Size: 167378 KB
Print Length: 984 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (June 11, 2008)
Publication Date: June 11, 2008
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,510,720 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
The book is great, I am not going to lie. It has a lot of information and offers a great Ddx page in the index that can help out any dentist. The book is clear in its definitions of the diseases, treatment and what to look for radiographically, histologically and clinically. I give it two stars because the publisher doesn't have the kindle version edited to be in page number form like some other kindle books do. This is necessary for a book of this type in order to flip back and forth from index to disease. Please, this is an electronic copy, I should be able to click on the chapters, click on the disease and have it take me straight there. I shouldn't have to hunt it down. And don't bother searching for the terms. It will link you even to the reference pages and you will have to hunt down search by search to get what you want. Stick with the paper copy. And what is the purpose of zooming in on the photo if it just blurs it anyway? Lazy, lazy kindle transfer.
"Neville and Damm", as it is affectionately called, is one the best (if not the best) all around textbook in oral pathology available. This latest edition contains numerous updates in this ever expanding field and is probably owned by every oral pathologist, as well as many MD/DO pathologists, and is included in many dental school oral pathology curricula. Although oral pathologists typically study and source more advanced texts for certain complicated cases, they always have this handy. I would recommend this textbook to dental students, dental residents, any residents of pathology, and any clinicians typically dealing with oral and maxillofacial disease. The collection of clinical pictures, recommended treatments, and the differential diagnoses in the appendix, combined with the detailed writings contained therein, make this an excellent textbook.
In dental school there are books you buy to pass the class, and books you plan on using after you graduate. I have a feeling this book will end up serving both purposes. I've spent a fair amount of time reading this text for the several path courses we've taken so far, and I am glad I will have this reference when I am practicing.This seems like a very comprehensive path book. It has excellent clinical photos, although it would always be nice to see a couple more pictures in path books to see other presentations of a lesion. The text is well written and informative.I have no experience with other pathology books, but this book is comprehensive enough that I don't anticipate a need to. I'd recommend this book to students and clinicians. Hope this review was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.
I have the 1995 version of Neville, Damm, Allen & Bouquot - a great resource.After chatting with Carl Allen and having him as a CE presenter for a week several years ago, opened my eyes to a lot of oral path that was obscure or unknown to me.This digital version is handy and supremely up to date with great COLOR photos.I believe that there will be a new version out next year and frankly, I am looking forward to updating my current digital version when it is available.Thanks to the authors and their publishers for a clinical reference that helps me to help my patients.
This textbook is a thorough review of maxillofacial anomalies along with many photos and slides. I consider it as one of the most helpful item in my office. Well-written, organised and a nice quick differential diagnosis tables at the end of the book. I recommend it to every dentist.
My wife bought this for her NBDE exams. She says it is an excellent book and highly recommends it.
I had this kindle version and i really regret purchasing it. The way they design it is not helpful at all. It is very slow on searching, the pics get blurred when viewed and the text keeps changing and moving from page to page. I wish i could get mh money back and have the hard cover one. What makes it worse there is no way to return it even if you are not satisfy with the product.
Accurate description and prompt delivery of item. A really well written text with lots of illustration of oral pathology entities; a great reference for the general dentist.