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, by Michael Crichton Jeffrey Hudson
Free PDF , by Michael Crichton Jeffrey Hudson
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Product details
File Size: 9970 KB
Print Length: 434 pages
Publisher: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller (July 23, 2013)
Publication Date: July 23, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#113 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Incredible book! I can't believe that despite the time period of when this book was written, it still applies to today! Highly recommend this book - it will definitely make you think about the complexities of abortion, medicine and human life.
First, let me say I was a Michael Crichton fan and an avid reader of his later works. Second, I'm glad I never encountered this early work because it might have put me off reading his later and much better works. The constant use of footnotes explaining the medical jargon that permeated the first part of the book was jarring. Fortunately, the footnotes disappeared in the last part of the book. The last of the book was the kind of the writing that made me a fan in the first place.If you're not familiar with Crichton's works, don't let this one discourage you from reading his later works. You'll be missing out on a great writer if you do that.
I always loved Michael Crichton and thought I had read all of his novels. Surprise! There are some that were written under an alias, mostly while he was in medical school. This one was written in the mid-sixties, when abortion, for the most part, was illegal. I was in high school in New Jersey in the mid-sixties, and there were a few stories of girls who were sent by their parents to Mexico and other countries for abortions. But, although it includes some some deep discussions, the story isn't really a pro-con thing about a woman's right to choose. It is, first and foremost, a mystery revolving around an abortion that ended in death - and it certainly is a good mystery! Whodunit? I didn't guess it, and so the ending was a "reveal" for me. All of Crichton's novels seem to have an educational aspect, and this one certainly did, even containing footnotes, but I found them easily checked or just as easily ignored on my Kindle. The story's the thing, but for the curious the book is also filled with information. It was written when Critchton was a beginning writer, and so maybe not as polished as his later works, but I thought it was great.
A Case of Need is the story of Dr. John Berry’s efforts to clear his fellow doctor and friend, Dr. Arthur Lee, after a teenager in his care dies from an illegal abortion. My first thought for a title for this review was, ‘You’ll need a scorecard to follow all the characters in this somewhat preachy, meandering plot involving an obstinate doctor who wants to play detective but has no idea how the criminal justice system works.’ But that seemed a bit long.As mentioned above, the story deals with abortion and the need to broaden/relax the laws. So, depending on your political and religious leanings, you may find the story anywhere between contemporary and thought-provoking to depraved and immoral. Be advised.Beyond the ethical position it takes, there is a story here with some suspense and good pacing. The suspense is provided by assembling a myriad of suspects and digging into the background of several witnesses, many of whom have their own secrets – drug use, infidelity, self-destructive behavior, deceitfulness. And surprisingly, Berry, with no authority and only some vague background in the Military Police, unearths all of this information singlehandedly. But after doing so, he doesn’t understand he has more than enough to raise reasonable doubt; then he doesn’t want to use this information because it’s too “dirty;†finally, he complains that the lawyer didn’t use it aggressively enough. The only consistency I could find in Berry was that he always wanted to play it alone and as a result, the circumstances that pitted him against the world were of his own making. That behavior doesn’t gain my empathy and tends to make my mind wander to other books I could be reading.As a long-time Crichton fan, I thought I’d always be able to recommend one of his stories. I was wrong. My advice, look elsewhere for your reading entertainment.
Michael Crichton has the rare ability to produce stimulating fast-paced fiction mixed with intelligent technical description. Crichton is a doc so the science tends to revolve around medicine and biology and this one was written under a pseudonym while he was in med school. It won the Edgar award in 1969 before the name Michael Crichton meant anything. The book is a whodunit centered around an abortion that may or may not have been necessary. It takes place before Roe v Wade so it deals with the social reactions as well as detection aspects. All in all a fine read.
I have not yet finished the book, but it is interesting and holds my attention. Although this was an early novel of Crichton's, it is refreshing to encounter footnotes explaining mnemonics and medical details. Footnotes are particularly easy to bring up while reading on a Kindle - there is no need to flip pages to get to the end of the chapter and flip back. The primary draw for me is the protagonist fighting to break through the barriers to his investigation and the personal threats to himself set up by political powers of the medical establishment.
In this excellent medical thriller (written in 1969, an award winning book), taking place at a large Boston hospital, a doctor is accused of murder. The Randall family is well known for their medical professions and they reign high and mighty in the medical career field. But when daughter Karen Randall, 18 years old, dies after a botched abortion, a doctor is falsely charged with her murder. The reader can learn much about medical techniques and practices; there is a well defined glossary of terms at the end of each chapter. Also included at the end of the book is Michael Crichton's biography along with photos of his estate. An awesome story, highly recommend.
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, by Michael Crichton Jeffrey Hudson PDF
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Product details
File Size: 813 KB
Print Length: 151 pages
Publisher: Hackett Publishing Co.; 2 edition (January 27, 2011)
Publication Date: January 27, 2011
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B004L628UY
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#53,780 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
i dropped this class but hume is woke
Hume does an outstanding job of standing western philosophy, as it existed at the time, on it's head. This book awoke Kant from his "dogmatic slumber," and is a must read for any student of philosophy.
Please with my purchase
Everyone should read this at least once in their lifetime.
Hume's Enquiry marks an epoch in human understanding; when rightly understood it will cause tectonic shifts in your understanding of understanding. Unfortunately, it is rarely rightly understood; he was grossly misconstrued in his own time and still is in ours. He indeed spoke truly when he wrote:"My principles are also so remote from all the vulgar sentiments on the subject, that were they to take place, they would produce almost a total alteration in philosophy; and you know revolutions of this kind are not easily brought about." -- David Hume
I purchased the paperback edition.Obviously hume's work is great, but the edition was of low quality. I'm not even talking about the translation, but the paper.If anyone's interested in hume's work, you'd be much better of investing a few more dollars on a higher quality edition.
Great thought provoking book about the nature of reality & it helps me go directly to sleep sometimes.
Delivered as excepted. On a side note, I've just discovered philosophy, and Hume is one of my favorite philosophers now.
Ebook The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade
Discovering one publication to be the specific publication to check out from countless publications on the planet is sometime baffling. You may have to open up and browse many times. And also now, when finding this The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, And Healthy Recipes From Purees To Solids, By Maggie Meade as what you actually want, it resembles locating sanctuary in the treat. In fact, it is not concerning the writer of this publication or where this book originates from. Sometimes you will need this book because you truly have the obligation to get or have guide.

The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade
Ebook The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade
What kind of home entertainment publication that you will consider accompanying your trip time in your holiday? Is that the fiction book or novel or literary book or the valid book? Everyone has different preference to establish as the fun or amusement publication for reading some may think that the one that can delight is the book that uses the fun thing as well as its fiction. But, some likewise discover that they will certainly enjoy the factual book as home entertainment to satisfy the leisure time.
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 "Readers will appreciate her easy approach to making purees, as she includes required tool lists, nutritional facts, and clear instructions for each recipe." - The Library JournalMeade also breaks down what kinds of food to give baby at what age and how to spot a food allergy. Recipes are divided by age, which is really helpful. So, if the jar isn't going to be your child's source of baby food, this could be a good guide for making food yourself." - Arizona StatesmanFrom preparing baby's first purees to serving full-fledged meals, this is the perfect cookbook for parents who want to get the new baby in the house off to the best start possible. Her book is meant to be good for the baby, and fun for you and is just about the only book you need about feeding your child." - Tuscon Citizen"Maggie gives parents the courage to feel confident in the kitchen with her whip smart humor and gentle motivation. She's not preaching here, she's right there with you. She's been there and done that with THREE BOYS!" - Christina S. founder of Take Back Your Table takebackyourtable.comA super combination - apple cranberry sauce is easy to prepare and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
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About the Author
Maggie Meade is a Mom of three boys and in 2003, she created the top-rated baby food website aka A Parent's Choice 2010 Award winner, Maggie's recipes and tips have been featured on such media and television outlets as WMUR (NH), TheBump,,, TheStir, EMAB, CafeMom, and (print) Women's World weekly. Maggie also speaks to a variety of groups including MOMS clubs and the LaLeche League of the Sunshine State Conference 2013. She now blogs baby food and recipes at and enjoys maintaining the book's Facebook and Instagram accounts. Currently working creatively in the digital marketing/website design space, Maggie enjoys cooking baby foods for other parents, volunteering, developing new meal plans and recipes, working with animals and hiking in the great outdoors. Her newest culinary challenge has her back in the kitchen, teaching her twins to cook.
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Product details
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Life & Style; 1 edition (February 21, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 044658410X
ISBN-13: 978-0446584104
Product Dimensions:
5.2 x 1 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
201 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#72,279 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I purchased this book after spending some time on the Wholesome Baby Food website. I really wanted to make my own baby food but was apprehensive about the time involved. As a working mom, I don't have a lot of spare time these days. This book gave me just the push I needed and I am so happy I decided to go for it. It really does just take an hour or two each month to make tons of delicious baby food! My son has happily eaten everything I've made so far-- even the green veggies. And the savings can't be beat! The first batch of food I made cost just $9 and it lasted thru the first month that he started solids. Compare that to the pouches of organic baby food at $1.19-$1.49 each, and it's a no-brainer! I also loved the wealth of information in the first half of the book before you even get to the recipes. It's only been 2 months of solid food and I've pulled this book out dozens of times. I will be recommending this to all of my friends!On a side note, I use my Magic Bullet to puree everything and then freeze it in ice cube trays. There are some great (and cheap) Rubbermaid ice cube trays that nest inside each other for storage, but if you reverse the way you stack them, then they stack on top of each other for freezing. I have 9 of them so I can do one big round of baby food making and then put the trays away until next time and they hardly take up any space at all.
Admittedly, I'm not the cook or the baby food maker in our house, my wife is, and she raves about this book. We purchased a couple of other books at the same time and returned all of them since this is the only book we use and need. You won't be disappointed.
BEST purchase I made for my little guy. I knew I wanted to make all of his baby food since it seemed like the healthiest option for us. This was like my baby food bible. Learned so much about how to offer him solids the first time. Skipped cereal for lack of natural nutrients and gave hime sweet potato first pureed and mixed with lots of breastmilk. The recipes for all of the baby food combos were priceless. I ended up making all of his baby food - he never once had gerber and pouches just on occasion (i even made my own pouches). This book is a must. If you are on the fence about making your baby's food, I can promise you if you make large batches at once you will only be "cooking" for it max once a week. I would just make multiple things at once in large batches and freeze. So easy! Buy this book! I buy it for all of my pregnant friends!
So far I love this book--it is exactly what I was looking for. The recipes for 4-6 months are simple but that is to be expected. The only thing I would really change is that I wish she was a little more specific sometimes. For example, she'll write bring ____ to a boil and add enough liquid until it is the right consistency for your would be nice to know a starting point though! I like all the information and recipe ideas in here though! For me it is easier to have it all in a book than having to look things up on the web.
After being disappointed with several other baby food cookbooks that had great pictures, but not a lot of useable recipes or great information, I ordered The Wholesome Baby Food Guide on a whim, and hit the jackpot. This book offers no pictures, but has a wealth of information about baby nutrition, feeding schedules based on age, recipes for everything from purees to finger foods, and more. There is also a free website that coordinates with this book if you want an idea of what type of recipes you will find inside. The information about how to cook, what to cook, how much little ones need, what to buy organic, what has the most/least pesticides, when to introduce certain foods, food allergies to watch for, signs of adverse reactions to food, etc were invaluable. Highly recommend to anyone who is planning to make homemade baby food!
Really good book on what foods can be fed at what age, how to prepare fruits, vegetables and meats, how to spice up the food, food safety and storage, etc. I like how there are notes about how certain foods enhance each other, i.e. apples with chicken for maximum iron absorption. I also how it covers the topics on problems that may arise with starting solids such as constipation and food allergies. Recipes are easy to make. My 9 month old started solids since 6 months and she has eaten everything so far!
Not only provides recipes but a variety of cooking methods for each recipe. And each recipe provides information if it can be made ahead of time and if it is freezer friendly or not. While providing information in choosing what type of food for baby food making. Also adding a basic fundamentals in baby food making like for instance how long to store baby food, what myths and fact in baby food, nutritional information, what to introduce at the various stages, forbidden foods an potential allergies, food safety, techniques and so much more. Sure they have a website with equal information but having a physical copy with you while making baby food a great tool to have. And constantly returning back to this book to see the various options to make food for my little one an so far she love's the results. And having your mis en place ready making her food ahead of time very quick. In a day I have several options available for 2months.
I am so happy with this book and the concept of Baby led weaning. I have recommended this book to all my friends who are having children. I give it as baby shower gifts as well. It made feeding our daughter and soon our new son. I am a full time working mom(i'm an engineer) and I found it very easy to keep up with making home made baby food over the store bought stuff. 1 hour a week allowed me to feed our daughter the healthest things possible. We try and stay with the organic, NON-GMO foods. I love the fact that my 2 year old will eat EVERYTHING and I really think Baby Led Weaning has helped foster that. Her go to snacks are veggies and the amount of blueberries we go thru is crazy. This book showed me when to introduce fun spices and the recipes were great cause i can make them for the entire family. Our favorite was the sweat potato risotto. This is a must have for any new mom.
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade PDF
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade EPub
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade Doc
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade iBooks
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade rtf
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade Mobipocket
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade Kindle
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade PDF
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade PDF
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade PDF
The Wholesome Baby Food Guide: Over 150 Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Recipes from Purees to Solids, by Maggie Meade PDF
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Product details
Publisher: C.A. Press (June 15, 2011)
Shipping Information: View shipping rates and policies
Average Customer Review:
5.0 out of 5 stars
1 customer review
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#662,438 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Very good
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 9 hours and 26 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Release Date: March 22, 2016
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
Glen Weldon first wrote my favorite book to date on the history, real world effect, and many iterations of Superman. Now he has done an equally well researched and compelling book on Batman. Even the most deeply entrenched fans of the character are such to find new information on the lore surrounding the Batman in The Caped Crusade. Strong recommend.
Since his first appearance in Detective Comics #27 in 1939, Batman's been many things: gun-toting vigilante, father figure, campy icon of 1960s television, obsessed loner, violent sociopath, and a star not only of comics and live-action television, but also in animation and films ranging from low-budget serials to big-budget spectacles.NPR pop culture reporter Glen Weldon argues in "The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture," a fast-paced, well-researched tour of Batman's journey from superhero to pop culture icon, that the versatility described above gives Batman staying power while other crimefighting vigilantes have faded from the public's collective memory. In Weldon's view, Batman endures because he is what the public needs him to be at any given time.The glue which binds all those differing iterations of Batman, in Weldon's view, is the solemn oath young Bruce Wayne took after seeing his parents murdered before his eyes to wage relentless war on all criminals. That oath-to ensure no one else suffers the tragedy he endured-makes Batman, despite the darkness surrounding him, as much a symbol of hope as his smiling, far-sunnier superhero compatriot Superman.Weldon explores in brisk yet unsparing detail how those variant Batmen arose from an ongoing tug-of-war between the "nerds"-experts in specialized interests such as comic books-and the "normals," those whose interest in, and knowledge of, Batman derives largely from his television and film incarnations, both live-action and animated. He describes how the "nerds" embraced Batman because of the oath and his lack of superpowers, then raged against depictions ranging from the Adam West TV series to director Joel Schumacher's films (starring Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Bat-nipples!) because they felt that the creators were not only laughing at Batman, and by extension at them-but also encouraging the "normals" of the general public to do likewise.And not only creators felt their wrath: Weldon describes the profanity-laden, threatening messages some film critics received from Batfans after writing less-than-favorable reviews of "The Dark Knight Rises," director Christopher Nolan's concluding film of his Batman trilogy starring Christian Bale.But the Batfans embraced Nolan's films, despite liberties he took with Batman to adapt the character to the needs of film storytelling, because he took Batman-and hence, them-seriously, giving them the acceptance they craved from the "normals."The "nerds" also drove the transformation of Batman from 1960s TV buffoon to 1970s obsessed loner in the hands of writer Denny O'Neil and artist Neal Adams because they demanded the return of their ideal Batman-the grim vigilante of Gotham's night from the early, pre-Robin tales co-creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger crafted. That demand, Weldon argues, also led to the violent sociopath writer/artist Frank Miller portrayed in his 1986 limited series "The Dark Knight Returns" and later stories set in his Batman universe."The Caped Crusade" is no dry, sober history. Weldon tells Batman's story not only briskly, but also with a lacerating wit which spares no one: not Batman himself ("a crude, four-color slumgullion of borrowed ideas and stolen art"), not his archnemesis, the Joker (his clothes are "riverboat gambler couture"), and not even McDonald's spokesclown Ronald McDonald ("a whimsical chalk-faced avatar of arteriosclerosis").That combination of wit, detail, and brisk storytelling make "The Caped Crusade" compelling reading for both "nerds" who are longtime, passionate Gothamites and "normals" who know of Batman but are less passionate about him.
I could tell you this is a comprehensive history of Batman but that does such a disservice to Weldon's work. It's of a comparative history of Batman, how the character and American culture have influenced one another, Batman's role versus other superheroes and the impact all of these have had on fans, how they communicate and ultimately how the Internet has affected all of these.Like Weldon, I became a fan of Batman in syndicated reruns. I've read the comics sporadically but was always more of an X-Men girl. That said, Batman has always been a favorite precisely because of the lack of superpowers (except, yanno, money) and the intensity (insanity) that seemed inherent in his role. Weldon brings all of the appreciation of a fan but with an unsparing (and fun to read) critical view.This is one of the few books I've read this year that I'm recommending to everyone I know.
In “The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture,†Glen Weldon argues, “For the last three decades, the American superhero has been trapped in a perpetual age of adolescence, with fans and creators peevishly avowing that these spandex-clad fantasy characters created to entertain children must now be taken seriously, by which they mean they should be mired in joyless nihilism: badass. It was Batman and his fans who brought this benighted era about, and there are hopeful signs that Batman and his fans may soon be responsible for ending it†(pg. 7). Of the character’s origins and first year of publication, Weldon writes, “It’s the raw-element Batman of this one brief year that continues to cast the longest shadow over the character, more than three-quarters of a century later†(pg. 21). The violence was such that DC used Robin to allay parent groups fears.Turning to the 1950s and 1960s, Weldon writes of the comic book moral panic, “Fredric Wertham’s book and Senate testimony arrived precisely at a historical moment when, according to historian Chris York, ‘a cultural emphasis on the nuclear family and a containment approach to both foreign and domestic affairs fueled a homophobic fire’ that spread through all levels of society†(pg. 50). Though Wertham cherry-picked his examples, the Lavender Scare ensured they would be taken seriously. Further, these fears about Batman’s sexuality were further flamed by the 1960s television series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. While fans bemoaned the show’s campiness, psychologists feared that it glorified violence (pg. 72).The stories of the late ’60s through mid-1980s saw what Weldon terms comics’ Great Inward Turn, with an examination of what made characters unique. Writers like Denny O’Neil and artists like Neal Adams could begin to redefine characters while publishers took advantage of new venues for sales. Weldon writes, “Publishers realized that these stores, known as the ‘direct market,’ provided them with better feedback that allowed them to tailor their print runs more precisely. Miniseries, one-shots, and prestige formats with higher-quality paper stock were now possible – and could be priced higher for the eager collector†(pg. 124). Stories from Alan Moore like “The Killing Joke†and Frank Miller’s “Dark Knight Returns†began to further redefine the character and what comics could do using the format. Meanwhile, Tim Burton’s film series garnered mainstream appeal beyond the usual comic book fanbase.Discussing the backlash that followed Joel Schumacher’s films and how it exemplified nerd culture, Weldon writes, “Nerd culture is often open and inclusive, when it is powered by the desire to seek out others who share common interests and enthusiasms. But nerdish passion is strong and unmindful; its very nature is to obliterate dispassion, nuance, ambiguity, and push human experience to either edge of a binary extreme: My thing is the best. Your thing is the worst†(pg. 216-217). Christopher Nolan’s films helped to revitalize the character again while Grant Morrison deconstructed Batman in the comics. Following the rise of the New 52 and Morrison’s departure, the writer challenged fan’s preconceived notions of that Batman. Weldon writes, “In the May 2012 issue of ‘Playboy’ magazine, just as he set out wrapping up his story lines, Morrison offered a parting shot to the hard-core Bat-nerds who were only too happy to see him go. ‘Gayness,’ he said, ‘is built into Batman. I’m not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it’†(pg. 277). The resurgence in interest for the Adam West version of Batman shows a new acceptance for queering the character, even as fan culture continues to involve a level of toxicity (see Tom King’s need for a bodyguard at San Diego Comic Con 2018).Weldon’s book is excellently researched, tracing the entire course of Batman’s history up through 2016. He writes primarily for a popular or undergraduate audience, with both literary theory and comics minutia to appeal to both.
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